Our Rugs

We take great pride in being one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of premium luxury Tibetan-Nepalese rugs.

Each of our rugs is hand knotted to the highest standard using 100% premium quality Tibetan and New Zealand wool, silk, hemp, and various materials from various parts of the world - all of which are ethically and sustainably sourced. We use a traditional Tibetan weaving method which features a unique and ancient knotting technique that converts any intricate complex designs, with knot densities ranging from 60-200 KPSI.  Our quality control team meticulously reviews every step of the production process – from dyeing to weaving, cutting and even washing the finished rugs – all to ensure that our rugs last a lifetime and beyond.

Our Customization

We offer personalized customization. You can select any design, size, material, and/or knot density and multitude of rich color choices and we will work closely with you to ensure that you receive the rug of your dreams. 

Design: Bring your own design or we can provide one for you

Sizes: Any size of your choice 

Materials: Wool, Silk, Linen, Mohair, and more

Knot Density (KPSI): 60 KPSI to 200 KPSI

Colors: Any color of your choice 

Our Customer Experience &Trust

Our goal is not only to provide the highest quality rugs but also provide the best customer experience ever. In order to provide the best customer experience, we will be with you every step of the way and answer any questions that you might have. In order to build trust in our business, we will be with you, the customer, from design origination until final delivery. You can rest assured that we will be in constant communication with you until you receive the rug of your dreams.